Friday, May 16, 2008

tagged by maddi!

ABC's "getting to know you" TAG ABC's of you.
Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached :)
B- Best Friend: Mike
C-Cake or Pie: Pie
D-Day: I like Saturdays and Sundays
E- Essential Item: Chapstick
F- Favorite Color: Pink
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms only the red and white ones though
H-Home town: Willard
I- Indulgences: SHOPPING, crafts, and scrapbooking
J- January or July?: July
K-Kids: Nope
L-Life is incomplete without: Mike and my fam
M- Marriage Date: May 18, 2005
N- Number of Siblings: 4 - two brothers and two sisters
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Having something happen to the people I love
Q- Quote: Find joy in your journey
R- Reason To Smile: Mike sent me flowers today!
S- Season: Spring
T- Tag Three: Becca, Ginger, and Emily
U- Unknown fact about me: I hate being home alone especially at night.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat, I just don't eat it a lot.
W- Worst Habit: Mike says it's not taking my shoes off in the house
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds, they are amazing
Y-Your favorite food: My Mom's Manicotti and Grandma's rolls
Z: Zodiac Sign: Aries


Tatiana said...

Kristen and Mike,
I just found your blog and I'm so happy to be able to check up on you guys! I can't say that I'm surprised to see Mike in a shoulder brace, he was always doing crazy stuff! Congrats on graduating! It's a good feeling! Keep in touch!

Brandon, Emily and Chloe said...

I swear I will complete my portion of being "tagged" sooner or later. I was laughing though because all of our answers will be pretty much the same :)!

Brandon, Emily and Chloe said...

Kristen...I tagged you! Check out my blog for details!

Maddi and Cole said...

I was just telling Cole's mom the other day that whenever I'd sleep over at your house I'd always want your mom to make manacotti! Oh my gosh I love that stuff...and to this day, I've never had any better than your mom's!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck I have not seen or talked to you since that day @ WSU like 4 years ago! How have you been?!? It looks like you guys are doing great! Your blog is super cute and I am going to check out your vinyl lettering website. Congrats on graduating! That is great! We will have to keep in touch!

Clay and Becca said...
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Clay and Becca said...

Ok, cool for getting on my case about not updating my blog, yours hasn't been updated in ages! Haha just kidding, thanks for helping out with Jordan. He loves playing with you and Mike. We sure love you!